Awards voor Kiwanis Lummen Quadrivio

Kiwanis Lummen ontving ondertussen 5 awards

Kiwanis Lummen ontving op zaterdag 25 september 2010 haar officiële erkenning van Kiwanis International.
Daarnaast mochten we a 5 awards ontvangen voor onze inzet en toewijding:

  • Certificate of appreciation for promoting Kiwanis Ladies Membership
  • Distinguished club 2011-2012 for our untiring efforts and continuing serve as we serve the children of the world
  • Distinguished club 2007-2008 for our untiring efforts and continuing serve as we serve the children of the world
  • Award for appreciation 2007-2008 for outstanding service and contribution to Kiwanis
  • Certificate of appreciation 2005-2006